
Galati County is strategically located as regional connection between the countries in the western area of the Black Sea: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldavia and Ukraine.
The maritime and fluvial traffic is carried out through the Port Complex Galati and offers various opportunities for the economy of the entire region. In structure, the proportion of the maritime traffic is superior to fluvial traffic in what regards the tonnage of the merchandise transported.
The Port of Galati has a total surface of 865,131 mp, 2 basins and 56 operational berths. The total length of the quays is: 4,675 m = vertical and 2,390 = sloped. The port is connected to the railway network, the access infrastructure reaching 12,34 km, on standard gauge and a few lines on broad, Russian gauge, along the berths, which are currently not used. The Port has possibilities of wagon transposition/ trans-loading, which represents an advantage in carrying out intermodal transportation activities.
The Port of Galati has the following facilities:
- - Winter harbor;
- - Parking places for trucks;
- - Connection to the national road system;
- - Cargo storing facilities (open and covered storing areas);
- - Cereal silos;
- - Free Zone;
- - Custom Office;
- - Rail tariff point;
- - Port equipment for vessel operation;
- - Cereal Terminal;
- - Container Terminal;
- - Oil Terminal;
- - Waste collection from the ships: garbage, used and bilge water;
- - Bunkering and ship maintenance facilities;
- - Security standards according to the ISPS code.